
Progeny of 21059 STILLMEADOW 284-97 AURELIA  

Records 1 - 5 of 5 records found matching your criteria: Dam Reg # = 21059
  Page 1 of 1  
Links Reg # Name/Tag Sex Date of Birth Litter Size Color Marking Dam Age at Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name/Tag Breeder Owner Reg Date
21538 PERKINS 1 Ewe Jan 26, 2002 3 WHITE   35 20899 F STILLMEADOW 423F CALEB DONNA PERKINS DONNA PERKINS Jul 11, 2002
21537 PERKINS 2 Ewe Jan 26, 2002 3 BLACK   35 20899 F STILLMEADOW 423F CALEB DONNA PERKINS DONNA PERKINS Jul 11, 2002
21382 STILLMEADOW 412 F TOPAZ Ewe Aug 20, 2000 4 PIEBALD   18 20260 SMF 13 BOAZ Elizabeth H. Kinne Gossner BOB & HOLLY MILLS Jan 10, 2002
21358 STILLMEADOW 524 TUULA Ewe Apr 17, 2001 4 WHITE   26 20068 STILLMEADOW 202 Elizabeth H. Kinne Gossner Dan and Leanne Hughes Nov 27, 2001
21536 PERKINS 3 Ram Jan 26, 2002 3 WHITE   35 20899 F STILLMEADOW 423F CALEB DONNA PERKINS DONNA PERKINS Jul 11, 2002

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